More Buts

…Continued “I wonder who else is going to be at K and C’s dinner party next weekend. I hope no one we don’t want to see,” I said somewhat rhetorically to my girlfriend Saturday morning. We had begun our new routine of spending an hour on weekend mornings walking together… Read more »

January 2010

Lily Tomlin: It’s Personal

Lily Tomlin is a long-time fan of The Beebo Brinker Chronicles, author Ann Bannon’s 1950s lesbian pulp stories. Lily, who has a nice Emmy/Tony/Grammy collection to show for her eclectic and electrifying career, jumped onboard as executive producer when The Beebo Brinker Chronicles rattled New York stages Off and Off… Read more »

January 2010

The Return of Lilith Fair

It is going to be a huge summer for rockers with vaginas. The festival that injected the late nineties with a healthy dose of estrogen is back in 2010 with a virtual who’s who of female musicians and the buzzword is diversity. Where else can you see Mary J. Blige,… Read more »

January 2010
hooked-up blog

The Buts

Stephanie Schroeder is a dreamer, wanderer and writer based in Brooklyn, NY. She likes to exchange apartments with artists and other interesting folks from around the globe and travel in search of new friends and singular experiences. She makes purple a way of life and also fancies green, purple’s complementary color on the color wheel… Read more »

January 2010


Ditchbank [dɪtʃbæÅ‹k], v., to drive to the country, park on the bank of a ditch and have sexual intercourse. In the small farming town where I grew up, we have this fabulous phenomenon called ditchbanking. Having nothing to do for entertainment, we have a lot of sex. Having no where… Read more »

January 2010