Girl in a Coma

Girl in a Coma is running late tonight. With two back-to-back shows on opposite sides of town, it isn’t really that surprising. I park in front of a 7-Eleven and wait with a bunch of bored-looking cab drivers. We stare into the floor-to-ceiling windows of a condo across the street… Read more »

October 2009

At the Outfest Legacy Awards

Kicking it on the patio of the esteemed Directors Guild on Sunset Boulevard, waiting for the Outfest Legacy Awards to start, I notice actress Laura Linney mingling with assorted filmmakers, film lovers and supporters of Outfest, Los Angeles’ prestigious gay and lesbian film festival… Read more »

October 2009

Small Town Pride

Like most things in my all too restful town, Pride is months behind the rest of the country. Instead of celebrating in June, when most of the college town is here, we celebrate in August, the hottest month of the year. In our defense, August is the only time we… Read more »

October 2009